Architecture Room > Root Hierarchy Projections > To a Primary Hierarchy > PH-L7s need Willingness-RL7

All PH-L7s involve Willingness-RL7

Colour-coding: Orange refers to THEE terminology. Blue refers to THEE-names for specific cells or frameworks. Maroon refers to the Root Levels which are presumed to be necessary for their function.


The function of every PH•Level-7 element has Willingness-RL7 as an intrinsic necessary, but often implicit, feature.

What about the other Root Levels?  Closed Any of the other RLs may occur but they are not necessary, and by themselves they would not be enough to enable the function. Further explanations will be offered where there might be confusion.

Note: The elements examined below are not equally well understood.

In Willingness-PH7

Element Function: Provisional Formulation
L7-Extending Trusting To embrace dependency without any guarantee of benefit or safety.

PH7-L7: Trusting is about a readiness to put yourself at the mercy of a person, group or situation without knowing what the consequences will be. It is the deepest and highest expression of willingness.

Example: Distrust of strangers appears to be biologically rooted. In order to thrive when moving to a different culture, it is necessary to overcome this reaction, and activate a willing trust in people generally. This can be fostered by advice and goes along with maintaining awareness and taking normal precautions.

Trusting activates other PH7-willingness functions, such as learning and risking. However it does not intrinsically involve taking action-RL1, making inquiries-RL2, instituting change-RL3, using experience-RL4, communicating-RL5, or having purposes-RL6. These other Root Levels will be present as part of being willing, in supportive activity and in sequelae.

In Purpose-PH6

Element Function: Current Formulation
L7-Activating an Ultimate Value To enable a universally accepted and eternally pursued state of being.

PH6-L7: Ultimate values cannot be forced, and you do rather little with them other than experience them and allow that experience to have effects on yourself and others. As the vehicle of ineffable goodness, they can only come alive if allowed, and this depends on willingness.

Example: When faced with a person who has committed horrific crimes, it is easy to condemn and reject. To exercise compassion and feel an underlying equality requires a willingness. Without that, you cannot possess the necessary empathy.

Ultimate values activate other parts of purpose-PH6principal objects and value systems most directly. However, their use does not intrinsically involve taking action-RL1, making inquiries-RL2, instituting change-RL3, using experience-RL4, or communicating-RL5.

In Communication-PH5

Element Function: Current Formulation
L7-Sustaining Openness To activate an experiential state that contains the potential for a meaningful communicative interaction.

PH5-L7: Sustaining openness involves willingness in that it is based in a determined readiness to continuously take in and understand what others say and mean (even if unpleasant), and also to express yourself in a genuine non-defensive and sometimes unpremeditated way.

Example: Even though you may have an ideological position and have undergone relevant personal experiences, you can still be prepared to listen to others who think differently and so develop an appreciation of their values and perspectives and how they relate to yours.

Being open occurs in association with other elements of communication-PH5. However, it does not intrinsically involve taking action-RL1, making inquiries-RL2, instituting change-RL3, using experience-RL4 or having purposes-RL6.

In Experience-PH4

Element Function: Provisional Formulation
L7-Opening the Imagination To open the mind to an indefinite variety of possible experiences including those beyond any current conception of what is real or practical.

PH4-L7: Imagining involves willingness because it entails tolerating a move outside the personal zone of safety and comfort as provided by logic, practicality, custom and habit. As Einstein said: Logic takes you from A-B, imagination takes you everywhere. Imagination may generate counter-intuitive conclusions or unwished for suggestions. Unexpected images and thoughts will not be entertained in consciousness without a readiness to hold them there.

Example: A person running a corner convenience shop may use imagination to add services and get more customers e.g. post-office, meeting house, coffee-bar, book-lending, internet access, dating service, money transfer, luggage deposit etc etc. Many of these will not go any further due to regulations, practicalities, or personal wishes, but a willingness to let the ideas flow is the primary requirement.

Imagining naturally activates other aspects of experience-PH4, like ideas in the example. However, it does not need to involve taking action-RL1, making inquiries-RL2, instituting change-RL3, communicating-RL5, or owning purposes-RL6.

In Change-PH3

Element Function: Provisional Formulation
L7-Envisaging a Transformation To expose a state to the potential for a changed identity i.e. in terms of its fundamental structure.

PH3-L7: Transformation is a difficult notion because identity is intensely and automatically resistant to any change. This deep resistance can only be overcome in the presence of willingness.

Example: Revolutions occur when ordinary reform is blocked. These attempt to transform a current state utterly and set up a new stable condition. The potential for revolution is dependent on the willingness of those involved, as well as their readiness and capabilities.

Transforming may activate other elements of change-PH3. However, it does not intrinsically involve taking action-RL1, making inquiry-RL2, using experience-RL4, communicating-RL5, or having purposes-RL6.

In Inquiry-PH2

Element Function: Provisional Formulation
L7-Channeling Wonder To focus the spirit of curiosity, both in terms of questions and answers, but without providing any controls on what might emerge.

PH2-L7: Wondering involves being willing because the effect might be to generate possibilities that disrupt current paradigms and interfere with social adaptation or immediate success. The danger is embodied in proverbs like curiosity killed the cat.

Example: When you come across something out of the ordinary, there is no obvious line of inquiry. Rushing in is unwise. The sensible and natural initial stage is simply to wonder about the phenomenon and how it might be investigated.

Wondering may activate other elements of inquiry-PH2. However, it does not intrinsically require taking action-RL1, instituting change-RL3, using experience-RL4, communicating-RL5, or having purpose-RL6. So the other Root Levels are only supportive.

In Action-PH1

Element Function: Provisional Formulation
L7-Allowing Spontaneity To release a flow of action that stems genuinely from your inner self as sensed by others and beyond your own conscious control.

PH1-L7: To be spontaneous involves willingness because you have to let yourself act in a way which accords with your nature without quite knowing what will eventuate. A person may have unconscious neurotic inhibitions that block spontaneity; or it may be consciously inhibited on formal occasions where protocol is demanded. Spontaneity deserves to be inhibited if you have an embittered envious or arrogant nature.

Example: Those engaged in a group activity not only follow its particular purposes, but also interact in an informal way with other. Each person may act in accord with their own political agenda and in a polite conventional way, but they can also interact spontaneously if they allow themselves. This spontaneity can lead to unexpected and surprising actions and consequences.

Being spontaneous activates other elements of action-PH1. However, it does not intrinsically need to involve making inquiries-RL2, instituting change-RL3, communicating-RL5, or having purpose-RL6. These other Root Levels will exist in the context.

The complete system has now been investigated.

Initially posted: 2-Aug-2013

All material here is in a draft form. There will be errors and omissions. Nothing should be copied or distributed without express permission. Thank you.Copyright © Warren Kinston 2009-2018. All Rights Reserved.

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