Architecture Room > Forcing Duality Reversal > Checking Hierarchies

Checking Other Hierarchy Forms

Question & Answer

Is «forced reversal» a general phenomenon of all THEE hierarchies?

The tentative conclusion from this initial survey is that forcible reversal does not apply other than in Primary Hierarchies.

Many oscillating dualities have been provisionally determined. (They should be routinely identified, but this did not occur in earlier times.) Examples in my survey below have been restricted to frameworks within: Endeavour-RH, Action-RL1, Experience-RL4, Communication-RL5 and Purpose-RL6 where there is most confidence in current formulations.

The Root Hierarchy emanates the Primary Hierarchies, so its levels are internally complex. The 7 Primary Hierarchies contain the irreducible elements of the taxonomy. Other hierarchical frameworks derive from these, either as the structural hierarchy and mostly via the Principal Typology. So all levels in other frameworks refer to complicated entities.

As I have only offered assertions without argument or evidence, links are provided to allow you to review and check for yourself. I welcome alternative views.

Frameworks in the Survey

Root Hierarchy

Hierarchy of Endeavour (RH)



Primal Quests (RH')

Principal Typology

Approaches to Stabilization (PH'4)

Ethical Choice Approaches (PH'6)

Subsidiary Typology

Approaches to Managing (PH'5QHt2)

Spiral-derived Hierarchy

Management culture leading to Achievement (PH'1C/PH'1CK)

Political Maturation leading to Determinants of Political Choice (PH'6C/PH'6CK)

Structural Hierarchy


Primary:  Realizing Values in Society (sPH6)

Spiral-derived:  Expectations of Employment (PH'1CsH)

Q-expansionOrganizing Management (PH'5QsH2)

Initial draft:  10-May-2013. Update 26-April-2015

All material here is in a draft form. There will be errors and omissions. Nothing should be copied or distributed without express permission. Thank you.Copyright © Warren Kinston 2009-2018. All Rights Reserved.

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