Work & its Organisation > Work in Organizations QH2 > Accountability Dynamics > Review the Full Picture > Summary of Terms

Summary of Terms Used

The accountability dynamics have been described using a range of basic terms. These are brought together here for a brief explanation and a complete summary overview. The diagram is provided for reference. The focus in this section is on producing outcomes: issues like leadership and culture are not addressed, nor are the detailed mechanisms used by managers.

Basic Terms

Intentional States

«Identity» refers to Purposes-PH6 L7 - L4: note that all these purposes are values.

«Policy» refers to Purposes-PH6 L3 & L2: L3-priority is a value, L2-strategic objective is an outcome.

«Operations» refers to all activities that are required to produce outputs with a view to achieving desired outcomes.

«Programs» refers to specifically organising activities to produce outcomes defined in terms of outputs.

«Systems» refers to methods for controlling work processes and work-flows within operations e.g. schedules, rotas, emergency procedures, process pathways.

«Output» refers to a tangible end-result of a work activity.

Responsible Handling

«Control» is about taking maximum responsibility for choices: may be a Centre or a Channel joining adjacent Levels.

«Activation» is about instigating choices promptly: always a Channel joining adjacent Levels.

«Development» is about designing and articulating a new desired state: may be one or two Channels joining adjacent Levels.

«Installation» is about overcoming inertia due to confusion, resistance or opposition: always two Channels that bypass a Level.

«Intervention» is about introducing a change in the face of resistance: always a Channel that bypasses a Level.

«Implementation» is about bringing a new state into effect: may be one or two Channels joining adjacent Levels.

«Imposition» is about insisting and enforcing: always a Channel and may cross one or two Levels.

«Maintenance» is about sustaining the purposive state: always a Channel, but may be within a Level or cross one Level or cross two Levels.

«Management» is not included here becauseClosed it is a general term for meta-work required by constant change and demands many ways of handling as described here.

Accountability Requirements


Identity requires control (within WL7B)

Identity requires development (WL7B↔WL6)

Identity requires maintenance (WL6S↔WL6R)

Identity requires installation (WL7B↔WL4S)

ClosedAbsent processes:


Policy requires control (within WL6)

Policy requires implementation (WL6↔WL5)

Policy requires development (WL7B↔WL6S)

Policy requires activation (WL7B↔WL6R)

Policy requires imposition (WL6S↔WL5S)

Policy requires installation (WL6↔WL4B)

Policy requires maintenance (WL6S↔WL4B)

Policy requires intervention (WL6R↔WL4B)


Operations require activation (WL6R↔WL5R)

Operations requires maintenance (WL5S↔WL5R)

Operations require imposition (WL4B↔WL3R)

Operations require control (WL3R↔WL3S)

Re the other 4 modes: Operations are developed, implemented, installed and intervened via programs and/or systems (see below).


Programs require control (WL5S↔WL4B)

Programs require activation (WL5R↔WL4B)

Programs require development (WL5↔WL4B)

Programs require imposition (WL5S↔WL3R)

Programs require intervention (WL5R↔WL3S)

Programs require installation (WL5↔WL3)

Programs require implementation (WL4B↔WL3)

Programs require maintenance (WL4B↔WL2B)


Systems require development (WL4B↔WL3S)

Systems require implementation (WL3↔WL2B)

Systems require maintenance (WL3S↔WL3R)

Systems require control (WL3S↔WL2B)

Systems require activation (WL3R↔WL2B)

Systems require installation (WL3↔WL1B)

Systems require intervention (WL3R↔WL1B)

Systems require imposition (WL3S↔WL1B)


Output requires control (within WL1B)

Output requires maintenance (WL2B↔WL1B)

Other processes are handled by more complex mechanisms or do not apply.

Originally posted: 28-Feb-2014

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