Work & its Organisation > The Essence of Work > Work, Capability & Role

Work, Capability and Role

Work Capability

You use of language to make sense of reality (so as to be responsible for changing it) determines your work capability. This is probably genetically determined.

Work capability is a general personal ability which is not the same as measured IQ, skills, emotional intelligence, decision-style, leadership ability, or anything else. Unlike other performance factors, it is not teachable. Coaching or mentoring have no effect other than to create self-awareness.

ClosedComparison to IQ & Intelligence

The 28 Levels in using language (described earlier) do not correspond to any social structure or any particular role. However, they do reflect increasing complexity and sophistication in handling reality.

Anyone can use any of these levels briefly to meet a personal need or to understand what is being said. However, that does not equate to the ability to carry responsibility on a full-time basis for structuring and altering reality in a particular way.

Simple observation reveals that:

You need to get a sense of your own work capability (independently of your choice of domain of responsibility), and track how it is developing. It can be difficult but you can definitely do it yourself. Don't be too persuaded by what others say: they tend to judge you by externals. The topics in this Satellite are designed to help you come to grips with this aspect of your inner nature (personal identity).

Factors in Role Performance

Reject the Fashion:Closed These mentalities are often analysed and each component then proposed as a skill that can be learned or turned into a habit. This certainly does not apply to mentalities which are about personal identity. These exist as a system that, if not natural for you, is simple to know about but hard to internalize.

Domain Choice

Different societal domains generate different kinds of work and roles. The focus here will be confined to work capability and levels of responsibility within the domain. The analysis of work-levels is about reality-handling, and therefore applies to all kinds of work found in the domain.

Work options within different domains may either attract or repel you. I do not know exactly what inner flexibility a person has. But we are certainly unwilling and even unable to perform in just any domain. The nature of commerce, politics, science, or art may seem too arcane or too difficult or too uninteresting. For better or worse, we leave that world to others and take for granted any benefits or harms that result.

Most of the generalizations about work and capability were determined by extensive research and consultancy in large conventional organizations that produce tangible goods and services: i.e. the 2nd Q-Hierarchy.

Exactly how, and indeed whether, the findings identified in QH2 apply in the other 6 domains of societal responsibility is a matter for investigation. The QH2 domain will be initially presented in detail. Each of the other domains will then be systematically explored and conjectures will be offered. At the end, findings can be reviewed and conclusions drawn.

As the inquiry proceeds, conjectures about all domains will be maintained in the TOP Studio, and summary findings will be updated there.

Originally posted: 25-Oct-2013

All posted material is part of a scientific project and should be regarded as provisional. Visitors are encouraged to think through the topics and propositions for themselves. Copyright © Warren Kinston 2009-2016.
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