Your Better Self > Our Primal Quests > Quest Comparisons > Effects of Self-Detachment

Effects of Self-Detachment

I have a self with various mechanisms that determine how I handle myself in my social environment. In this context, my Primal Quest must be taken into account. The varying requirements of Quests for self-detachment, i.e. detachment from my personal interests and views, deserve closer examination and clarification

Protecting the Self

Detachment from the ego/self is inherently a method for handling the self. From the TET, it is apparent that the 4 Quests in the upper half of the TETSalvation, Enlightenment, Obedience, Spirituality—provide for substantial self-protection and this generates an affinity amongst them. Each quadrant does, however, affect the personal and social impact of this self-protection.

Discretionary interaction via Salvation or Obedience Quests usually appears to be ethical and in conformity with social institutions. As a result these Quests are socially soothing, and that enhances their self-protective quality.

Knowing clearly via Enlightenment or Spirituality Quests is socially disruptive, because it undermines the soothing illusions promoted by governmental and religious institutions. Existential truths tend to frighten, upset or confuse people.


The 3 Quests in the lower half of the TETMeaning, Creation, Pleasure—demand that you use the self as an instrument, while also ensuring a degree of detachment. Using the self entails knowing your self sufficiently, applying aspects of your self as appropriate, and putting your self at risk of harm.

Feeling good via Meaning and Pleasure Quests requires use of the self as an instrument. As can be easily imagined, this is personally soothing.

Entangled activities within any Creation Quest also use the self as an instrument, but these inexorably generate personal disruption.

Originally posted:  27-Jul-2012.

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