Politics > Political Life in Society > Authorizing Solutions: CG5 > Authorizing Leaders

Authorizing Political Leaders

There are three forms of political leadership in any society, and these are defined by the Pentads in the Structural Hierarchy. Each is identified with a note on the method of authorization and examples. Then each is examined using a schema for specifying further distinguishing features.


Leader by Election: CG-51

This Leader represents any defined social group—which then becomes the leader’s constituency (support base).

3 shapers of political solutions are leaders who determine what shall be authorized in government.

Example: Leaders of political parties; leader of a nation; many others.

Leader by Appointment: CG-52

This Leader obtains a pre-defined position in a formal autonomous body, either within government or created by government, with a specified responsibility related to society as a whole.

Examples: Top judicial appointments; chiefs of government agencies.

Leader by Emergence: CG-53

This Leader is recognized by behaviours that generate a growing following. This type can occur in unstructured or informal settings, and often in response to events that raise doubt or distrust of established political institutions. Leaders become recognized as advocates, prominent campaigners, or spontaneous spokespersons.

Example Lech Wałęsa, initially a union official and hardly a political leader, progressively Closed developed in status and emerged as a spokesman for the whole of Polish society against the Communist dictatorship of General Jaruzelski. (In due course he was elected President of Poland.)

Now, consider the internal structure of leadership authority.

Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010

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