Emergent Channels

Warning: This page has become a historical record. The approach used here provided initial help and orientation, but its value turned out to be limited. The names are now updated irregularly as these are finalized through investigating specific emergent Tree frameworks.

As indicated earlier, it was assumed that all the emergent hierarchies will have similar Channel names (i.e. forms of bi-directional influence), and this has proved correct. However, attempting to develop names from non-specific references to 'PH-elements' proved extremely difficult. Each Channel only comes alive by considering actual elements in a specific emergent Tree framework with actual situations in mind. It is also too clumsy to discuss properly without reference to the KL- influence.

Assumptions & Method

The architectural pattern for Channels in Trees has been demonstrated on many occasions by analysis from first principles. It is therefore assumed that this pattern will apply here.

In a conventional Tree, like the Root Hierarchy shown at right, the core Centre is KL4B which interacts with all other Centres except KL1B.

In the reordered Tree (lower diagrams), Willingness, which is L7B in the Root Hierarchy moves to the central KL4B position. Experience, which is L4B, then moves down to the KL2B position.

Note: See a full comparison of these two Root-Level Trees in the next Topic.

The channels are considered in the following order:

  1. Transverse channels connecting Centres within a Level i.e. KL3, KL5, KL6.
  2. Channels that connect with Willingness (here in KL4B position)
  3. Channels that connect with Experience (here in KL2B position)
  4. Channels in an outer ring bypassing both Willingness-KL4 and Experience-KL2.

Transverse Channels

These channels are about ensuring an effective connection between person and situation for elements where a mis-fit will be damaging, perhaps disastrous.

KL6: Change of State

In ordinary endeavour, change is much lower (at RL3) and refers to an identifiable target state to be realized by suitable action i.e. it is part of content in endeavour. However, in these emergent frameworks, the change state is contextual and provides guidance. The necessary change in yourself and the desirable change in the environment/situation cannot be wholly disentangled because you are part of the situation. Some mutuality or give-and-take to ensure tolerance and consistency seems essential.

Suggested Channel NameReciprocity

KL5: Inquiry

Understanding that focuses on your own inquiry criteria and concerns, regardless of what others might think, should respond to and shape public inquiry—and vice versa. It is contextual because the Centres are about developing understanding in the situation, rather than getting information to shape an action. For guidance to be effective, understandings emerging from each Centre should complement and generate a fit with the other.

Suggested Channel NameComplementarity

KL3: Purpose

It is never possible to make progress if socially significant values or situation-based goals are ignored. However, the special effort must spring from you and you cannot succeed if you neglect your own values and objectives. In identifying what will be given importance in each Centre, some consideration for the other perspective is essential.

Suggested Channel NameConsideration

Channels To/From Willingness

Under normal circumstances, being willing can be taken for granted because of the goal. Here your degree of willingness is the main concern, and the basis for feeling good about the effort. In its L4B location, the willingness element is directly modulated by all other Centres, except for the action element in the L1B position.

Provisional Channel Names
Note: For readability, the reference to specific elements is omitted; and the bi-directional nature of the influence is assumed.

Channels To/From Experience

In endeavour, experience is in the central KL4B position (see top diagram). In this position, it serves as a way to evaluate what is going on, both in regard to the endeavour's creation (in the upper transcendental levels) and in regard to its practical aspects (in the lower actualization levels).

In the present situation where a transcendent effort is shaping a problematic endeavour, experience is found in the KL2B position. From here, it interacts more closely with willingness (now at KL4), and it is also closer to relevant purposes and values (now at KL3). Most significantly, the experience element is now directly linked to the action element (at KL1B). The function is therefore about directly providing inspiration or instigation or emphasis on a particular form of action.

Provisional Channel Names:

From KL4: Appeals to experience can energize sustenance of willingness.

From KL3Appeals to experience must align with support for social importance, and both require attunement. They also reaffirm your insistence on personal significance.

From L1: Your appeal to experience can confirm reliance on the action element.

Channels in the Outer Ring

The upper channels—KL7 KL6, KL6 KL5—do not bypass a level in the context part of the framework, but they twice bypass a level in the lower content part i.e. KL5 KL3, KL3 KL1.

Provisional Channel Names

Last draft: 1-Mar-2014.

All material here is in a draft form. There will be errors and omissions. Nothing should be copied or distributed without express permission. Thank you.Copyright © Warren Kinston 2009-2016. All Rights Reserved.

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