The 18th C Enlightenment The 21st C Enlightenment
Reason is the most significant and positive capacity of humanity.
More: Closed Reason has made possible an explosive progress in technology that has improved quality and length of life. It is also the basis of depoliticization and de-churchification of knowledge, and the globalization of knowledge growth.
Awareness is the most significant and positive capacity of humanity.
More: Closed Awareness permits a leap forward for: ●personal life via humane and individualized child-rearing leading to better relationships; and ●political life via inhibitions on lying, cheating, stealing, demonizing, and bureaucratic control.
Reason enables one to break free from bonds of irrationality, submission to authority or tradition, and ignorance.
More: Closed Prior to this era, there was superstition, acceptance of censorship, and church or crown control over expressed beliefs.
Awareness enables one to break free from bonds of irrationality, submission to doctrines-as-authority, and ignorance.
More: Closed The ability to recognize and value distinctive perspectives, paradigms and cultural values reduces arrogance and improves cooperation, relationships and progress.
Reasoning well leads to choosing well and behaving well.
More: Closed Instead of whim or power, evidence and rational tools can be used for social policy-making and organizational decisions.
Awareness leads to choosing well and responsibility for actions.
More: Closed The ability to resist temptations around wealth and power is the primary route to a better life for yourself and others.
Reason can generate progress, and improve people and societies.
More: ClosedScientific progress is now widely desired and will produce further benefit—if the underpinning values are sound.
Awareness can generate progress and improve people and their societies.
More: ClosedSocial progress depends on being responsible for politicians, and resisting the temptations of power and money in everyday life.
Reason makes all humans equal and so deserving equal liberty and equality before the law.
More: ClosedThe development of democracy, rule of law and use of evidence, are the foundations for a sensible political life.
Awareness makes all humans equal and therefore deserving of equal respect and compassion.
More: ClosedA public sense of responsibility plus humane concerns precluding «might is right» approaches are the foundations for a sensible political life.
All human endeavours should seek to impart and develop knowledge and promote the dispassionate use of intelligence by every person.

Dare to think!
All human endeavours should seek to impart and develop awareness and responsibility—including use of doctrines of the 18th Century Enlightenment.

Dare to be aware!

Originally Posted April 2012

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